Poem of Patrik. the formal man.

From the heart I wish I had one call
From the start to the end
Nerves gettin warm
And adrenalin shocks my skin
I can go one and make it halfway
I can make it from the start to the end
I can(t)..
Wont have you by my side. Push you away
but then.
Pass as many trees as you like my dear
Pass as many cars as you like my dear
You wont find Patrik.
Patrik has been missing long time now.
He was round, once round.
When i had him he was flat.

I miss what I like
And I like that I miss
But I dont like what I like when i miss you Patrik.

Outside the cinema i lost you.
I should have toke you inside, inside my shirt and kept you there
For those 2,5 h.
What was a thinking..

I never though anyone would have wanted you.
How fooling was I
My bike is not the same anymore
My bike feels so not complete
without you
Never will it be 2010 summernight again
And here I am in Dec. still missing you
almost 4 months of missing you

Patrik, oh Patrik.
Why didn't you grab hold of the bike, why did you leave me that night
I miss u Patrik little baby boy ;(
I hope your bouncing somewhere else now..

(a) Patrik (a)
Britney Spears – I'm Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman <<<< His favorite song .. ;(

i'm not a girl, not yet a woman

lula bula


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